dr rebel reflects on
your questions

i answer your questions about rebellious behaviour – for rebels, and co-workers and managers of rebels

ask dr rebel

I found your latest newsletter very educational and insightful. The examples you gave why people are being labeled as ‘difficult’ help me to much better understand why I experience resistance every now and then. Many thanks and looking forward to the next newsletter!

Thanks for your answer! I now have so much to reflect on - I need a bit of time to let it sink in and determine my next steps.

I absolutely enjoy your rebel newsletter, great stuff!

What a great initiative, I subscribed immediately!

You provide such great insights - thanks so much!

Wow Simone these 3 points make a lot of sense! I will apply them, love the matrix tool for other projects too. Thank you!

What an incredibly beautiful answer. Thanks!

I love your newsletter!

do you have a burning question for dr rebel?  please let us know! 

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