seeing things differently, asking many questions, and bursting with crazy ideas are not always welcomed with open arms. and thus, many rebels experience a high level of stress because they face so much opposition. interestingly, there is a crucial factor in why some people get burned out while others don’t. and that is seeing stress differently.
stress is perceived as something negative and made into a public health enemy. however, from psychologist kelly mcgonigal, we learn that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. furthermore, andrew huberman, a neuroscientist at stanford university, discovered that adult learning only happens when you are challenged and agitated or distressed.
when you experience high levels of stress but see it as something positive, you’ll get fired up, while when you believe stress is negative, it’ll burn you out. also, when you think you need some stress and excitement to get things going and learn new things, but it isn’t happening, you’ll get bored out of your mind.
my three tips for rebels to take care of yourself and prevent burning out are:
download this rebel tool right here, right now!
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